Hunnicutt Talks Corn

Brandon Hunnicutt
Farmer from Giltner, Nebraska, District 3 Director and Vice Chairman of the Nebraska Corn Board

Editor’s Note – The following article is one of a four-part series, highlighting each of the four main pillars of the Nebraska Corn Board including communication, education, market development and research and how each one works for the betterment of Nebraska’s corn farmers.

I’m a traveler; whether in my pickup, a plane or a combination of the two, I’m always on the move. I fill up my gas tank with the highest blend of ethanol I can find, because I know it’s better for my wallet, the environment and our economy. The Nebraska Corn Board focuses on ethanol and trade, growing the demand for Nebraska’s corn industry, so fueling with ethanol is one way I can contribute to my operation. This past year, NCB took a trade mission to California to see E85 as a top purchased fuel and how our funding has helped to increase demand by 55% since 2021 with over 120 million gallons of E85 sold just last year, in partnership with Pearson Fuels. That’s the equivalent of over 36 million bushels of corn. We produce corn, and often more than we can keep in the state, but with California as the top consumer of 85, it’s a prime opportunity to raise demand.

In addition to the domestic trade missions, we have farmers attend international trade missions. Each one provides us with a valuable opportunity to experience and meet with cooperators from around the globe while promoting Nebraska corn and corn products. While there, learning from international peers helps to build knowledge to bring back to Nebraska. The conversations I have may change an entire country’s purchase and willingness to buy from Nebraska. NCB has a steady relationship with livestock groups and A-FAN, with the goal of accelerating the purchase of our corn for livestock feed. Whether beef, pork, dairy or poultry, we need them to consume the corn we grow with the potential to bring over $68 million into Nebraska. Ethanol, livestock and trade don’t just happen, it takes a team, and NCB is working to ensure new markets are opened, existing relationships are maintained and the ROI on each dollar we invest comes back greater to us.